Scavenger’s Mission
Liza O’Connor
Meet Alisha: A young woman who refuses to live the life her
parents want.
In a single month,
Alisha Kane has gone from a wealthy debutante to street girl to scavenger. While testing her new flying skills in the
Cully Canyon, Alisha incurs a near-death crash
landing. She’s “rescued” by a colonel of the SkyRyders and her life changes
Meet Logan: A SkyRyder colonel in charge of a sleepy fort
with little to do other than arrest the occasional scavenger.
For the first time in
his life, Logan’s attracted to a young woman, only she’s probably a scavenger
and he’ll have to arrest her. But first
he offers her a shower and food while he checks on his crew. His Videographer
has captured her extraordinary flight through the Cully and her flying is
He forgoes arresting
her and puts his career at risk by asking MAC to assess her skills and
integrity as a potential SkyRyder. If he can get Alisha into the SkyRyders, it
will be his greatest contribution to the Corps.
Meet MAC: the Artifical Intelligence that runs the SkyRyders
Upon seeing her
arrival, MAC upgrades Alisha’s test. Her flying skills are not just excellent;
they exceed what was previously thought possible. MAC classifies her as its top
asset and soon she proves her value.
But…the SkyRyders remain
a male dominated Corps where Alisha’s sense of right and wrong often clashes
with her superiors. How long can a rebellious young woman survive in a
regimented Corps?
“How’s your knee?”
“It’s okay,” Alisha lied.
“Good, because MAC wants you to do it over.”
Alisha sighed. “I don’t think I can do it any better.”
“How about if you used your own catcher?”
“Oh, then I can do it much better,” Alisha assured him.
Riley gave her a look, then stared forward. “Then let’s do
it again.”
With her own catcher, Alisha was up in less than a minute.
Riley never had a chance to call an abort. Two seconds after takeoff, she was
at an altitude of three hundred feet, holding her position precisely over his
“Your target is the remaining tree with a box. You know the
drill. Straight to the tree, secure package, and bring it back to the circle.”
This time, Alisha didn’t need to ask for a deviation to the plan. Her
catcher could run a straight line. Due to modifications she had made to her
toggles, she could continue to control them even as she reached down and snared the package. She then performed a perfect
one-eighty rotation and skimmed over the top of the tree, coming straight down
to the circle and placing the package precisely in the square.
“Before you land, do you want to show MAC any other moves?”
Alisha maneuvered the catcher over to her pack lying on the
ground and pulled one of her slats from
its sleeve. While holding her catcher steady, she attached one slat to the boot of her un-injured leg. She
then pulled a forward vertical lift. This was a new experience for her. The
change she had made gave her the ability to move into the wind—something so
impossible that most would equate it to moving backward in time. She laughed
and did a celebration flip in her harness.
She continued her climb until she was at two thousand feet.
“This is on purpose, so don’t worry.”
Facing the hundred-mile wind, she collapsed her catcher and
began to surf the powerful wind with the wind slat.
“I hope you’re catching the fact that I am moving into the wind.”
“Noted, along with the fact that your catcher is collapsed
and you’re headed into trees. If you have a plan to inflate the catcher, I’d
prefer you do it now.”
Alisha laughed and pulled hard on her top toggles. Instantly
the catcher opened and her slat-riding
stopped. She pulled a sharp one-eighty and headed back to the testing site.
There she performed a perfect crosswind tact with a harness-released landing,
pulling the slat to a halt right in front
of Riley.
“You didn’t move,” she teased. “The colonel didn’t either.”
“Well, since I’ve decided I’m still asleep in my bed, I
didn’t need to move. I can be as brave as I like in my dreams.”
The SkyRyder’s Series,
Book 1
Scavenger’s Mission
Liza O’Connor lives in Denville, NJ with her dog Jess. They
hike in fabulous woods every day, rain or shine, sleet or snow. Having an
adventurous nature, she learned to fly small Cessnas in NJ, hang-glide in New
Zealand, kayak in Pennsylvania, ski in New York, scuba dive with great white
sharks in Australia, dig up dinosaur bones in Montana, sky dive in Indiana, and
raft a class four river in Tasmania. She’s an avid gardener, amateur
photographer, and dabbler in watercolors and graphic arts. Yet through her
entire life, her first love has and always will be writing novels.
Sci-Fi Soap Opera with humor, romance,
and science
The SkyRyders Series
Sci-Fi Romance
Scavenger Falters-coming 2017
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About Book 1 of the SkyRyders:
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Twitter: @Liza0Connor
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