Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Destination: Titan by Liza O'Connor

Destination: Titan
99 cents
To celebrate Arrivial:Titan's release on May 7th.
May 1-7 2018
Liza O’Connor
 Blurb for Destination
With Earth destined for a new ice-age, seven scientists and twenty-two brilliant teenagers are gathered in a compound, deep within a mountain. There they struggle to come together as a group and complete the projects needed for their survival in the inhospitable environment of Titan, one of Saturn’s moons. However, certain factions on Earth have no intention of letting Project Einstein succeed. Keeping the group alive and productive is the hardest task Colonel Lancaster and his soldiers have ever had, but they are determined to succeed no matter how well the saboteurs have planned. The continuation of the human race depends upon it.
Excerpt for Destination
A soldier entered the room. His expression was severe, and his hand rested on his gun. Tamara feared they had suddenly realized the color orange was a stupid differentiator.

He walked to the table and lifted the paper. Upon seeing her signature, he introduced himself as Colonel Lancaster. “Did you read it thoroughly?”

She nodded.

“Then you understand that I outrank you and you will do everything I say?”

He didn’t look much older than her. “How old are you?”

“That isn’t relevant to my question.”

Max interceded. “Colonel Lancaster’s age is irrelevant, Tam. Only his rank is of importance. He is the senior ranking officer at the facility, and thus is our commanding officer.”

Tam smiled at the thought of how painful those words must be for Max to say, although to his credit, he said them with great sincerity.

“Do you find something amusing?” Lancaster challenged her.

She stared at the young man. Despite his severe look and shaven head, he was not entirely unattractive. In a “penal code” way, he might be considered good looking. She tilted her head to one side. “I was just wondering what you were so hell-bent to command me to do.”

Lancaster frowned. “If the two of you will follow me. The others are waiting in the containment room.”
They entered a small lecture room with a platform at one end. Chairs filled the remainder of the room, and twelve loud, unruly teenagers occupied the back. In the far corner, behind the podium, stood a cluster of adults. They all stopped talking and stared at Max and Lancaster when they entered. Tam was pretty much ignored.

Lancaster ordered them all to take a seat as he walked to the podium. Max pointed Tam to a chair while he remained standing beside Lancaster. Lancaster reinforced their understanding of the contract they’d just signed. He emphasized the need for immediate and total obedience when he or his men gave them an order.

One of the teenage girls raised her hand, and Lancaster gave her a nod.

“Will any of your orders be for sex? Because you’re damn hot.”

The teenagers burst into laughter and hoots.

“Interrupt me again, and your mouth will be duct-taped for the remainder of the day. But as to your question: Neither my soldiers nor I will be ordering anyone to provide sexual favors of any kind. That being said, sex among the students will not be prohibited once you have received your medical clearance. Dr. Culp and Dr. Willows will provide each of you with an extensive health exam. You will cooperate fully,” he warned, and gave the kids and Tamara a warning glance before continuing.

Sales Link
Destination: Titan

Arrival: Titan
Releases May 7th

All books are free for KU subscribers

 Blurb for Arrival
Dangers continue even as the crew of soldiers, scientists, and brilliant teens quantum leap to space near Titan.

Captain Drake has his own agenda, and it doesn’t include Colonel Lancaster, or the students being alive for much longer. Fortunately, the scientists and students are a formidable group to go against. The attempted takeover is stopped with only one death.
When Scarlett lands the ship on the north pole near the methane lake, they discover several sentient life forms. They also learn that the moon, Pan, is actually a ship called the Death Star, mining minerals in the outer rings of Saturn. Even more shocking—Jupiter is not a planet, but a disguised ‘eye in the sky’ watching over the mining interests of a superior sentient planet.

Excerpt for Arrival
“If we are going to land on the north pole, this would be the appropriate action. But would you rather not land where the probe did. That land was very flat.”

Ben spoke up at once. “Beg your pardon, sir, but if you recall, based on the pictures, there were hills and the winds played havoc upon the probe.”

“But more importantly, we need to land very close to a methane lake, so we have the ability to create fuel, water, and oxygen at once. What we brought with us won’t last long. I know the gravity is only one-fourteenth of Earth’s, but that could still consume more fuel than we have if later we need to move for some reason. Landing on the north pole is our best bet to survive.”

Lancaster spoke, “Sounds logical, can I get feedback from my other scientists?”

Victor spoke up. “The majority agrees. Three of us would prefer the South Pole, given there is slightly more sun and it’s slightly warmer. However, that does make the winds stronger, and there is only one lake, which has never been tested. It is probably methane, but it could be some other liquid as well.”

“I like the warmer and more sun part,” Lancaster admitted.

Anthony spoke up. “Honestly, sir. I don’t think you’d be able to tell the difference between warm and cold on Titan. We’d freeze to death in either case within a second. So, in my opinion sunshine, nor temperature should be considered in the matter. Our critical need to survive is methane. We know for a fact that one of the lakes in the north pole is a methane lake.”

About the Author
Liza O’Connor lives in Denville, NJ with her dog Jess. They hike in fabulous woods every day, rain or shine, sleet or snow. Having an adventurous nature, she learned to fly small Cessnas in NJ, hang-glide in New Zealand, kayak in Pennsylvania, ski in New York, scuba dive with great white sharks in Australia, dig up dinosaur bones in Montana, sky dive in Indiana, and raft a class four river in Tasmania. She’s an avid gardener, amateur photographer, and dabbler in watercolors and graphic arts. Yet through her entire life, her first love has and always will be writing novels.

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